
Shaftesbury & Gillingham

Membership Renewal

Membership is from August 1st to July 31st. The fee for the year 2024/5 is £12 per person (£24 joint membership).
If you wish to receive the Third Age Matters Magazine you should add £4.50.
Our own "In Touch" newsletter is distributed monthly to all our members via email at no extra charge. If you wish to receive a printed copy you should add £3.00.

If none of your details (for example name, address, phone, email, joint/ single membership, gift aid status) have changed you do not need to complete another membership form. You may renew via:

a) Online by the membership portal by following this Beacon Membership Portal Link . You will need your membership number, and may pay via a PayPal account or a credit card. You do not need a PayPal account. If you haven’t done so already follow the “register for a membership account” link to create an account for future use.

b) By Bank Transfer (BACS). Our Sort Code is 30-99-08, Account Number 22925860 and Name “Shaftesbury and Gillingham U3A”. Please use your Surname and Membership Number as a reference.

c) By cheque (made out to "Shaftesbury and Gillingham U3A") at a Monthly Meeting. Please note we are no longer accepting cash.

d) By Cheque (made out to "Shaftesbury and Gillingham U3A") posted to: Membership Secretary, 9 Peacemarsh Farm Close, Gillingham, Dorset SP8 4XQ. Please write your name(s) and membership number(s) on the back of the cheque.

If any of your details have changed please download (via this Membership Renewal Form Link ), print and complete a membership form. Payment and postage details are on the form. Alternatively you may collect a form from a monthly meeting, or send a s.a.e to the Membership Secretary.

Membership cards are normally emailed. If you wish a printed card please indicate when you renew. Printed cards can be collected at a monthly meeting, or posted to you if you supply a s.a.e with your renewal. Your old membership card will continue to pass the scanner check for a few Monthly Meetings.

Queries may be submitted to the Membership Secretary via “Contact” at the top of this screen.
